Our Appeal for Commemoration of Women has Support of Hastings and Rye M.P.

It seems that Oliver Dowden, the Culture Secretary and Robert Jenrick, the Communities Secretary plans to back a proposal from the Common Sense Group of Conservative M.P.s that local authorities erect (and fund) civic statues to all holders of the Victoria Cross and George Cross (Daily Telegraph 24th January 2021). Admirable and worthy as these individuals are, they are almost exclusively male and in the…

InVISIBLEwomen Speaks out on Need for Female Statues

The Daily Telegraph reported (24th January 2021) that Oliver Dowden, the Culture Secretary and Robert Jenrick, the Communities Secretary plan to back a proposal from the Common Sense Group of Conservative M.P.s that local authorities erect (and fund) statues to all holders of the Victoria Cross and George Cross. It didn’t take long for women’s organisations to point out that such a scheme would exclude women.…

Terri Bell Halliwell of inVISIBLEwomen supports the Appeal

Terri Bell Halliwell spear heads a national Brighton-based campaign to get more statues for women. She has been an inspiration to use and a consistent supporter from the start. She writes as follows: “Mary Clarke is one of the great band of wonderful  women who have been ignored by the powers that select those suitable for public commemoration. Civic statues in the UK – and…

Mary Clarke Statue Appeal