About The Appeal

Mary Clarke was the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) Organiser for Brighton from 1909 to 1910. She died of a brain haemorrhage on Christmas Day 1910 following the street violence of ‘Black Friday’ and forcible feeding in prison. She was the first suffragette to give her life for women’s right to Vote but, there is no public memorial to her anywhere in the UK.
The Mary Clarke Statue Appeal was set up in late 2018 and plans to erect a bronze statue of Mary close to the Brighton Museum entrance on the Royal Pavilion Estate in the heart of the City. The scheme has Council and all-party political support and has charity status.
The Appeal intends the statue of Mary to have educational and civic, as well as cultural benefits, because it will be seen by residents, school children and visitors and demonstrate the importance of equality, women’s rights and democracy – in particular the right of all people to exercise democratic choice without fear of violence.
It will provide an image of female courage and political leadership, encouraging women and girls to participate in civic life and fostering a better understanding of women’s history.
(Jean Calder, Chair of Trustees)