Women’s History Month Events including Dome Talk 23 March

Talk at the Dome 23 March 2022.

We are delighted that Jean Calder, Chair of Trustees, has been asked to speak in the Founders’ Room at the Dome at 1.00pm on Thursday 23rd March. The theme will be “Mary Clarke, the Dome and the Suffrage Struggle”.

This event follows last November’s very successful talk at the Jubilee Library. The focus of that event was on remembrance, but this talk is intended to be a part of our celebrations for Women’s History Month. Many people know that 8th March is International Women’s Day. However, few, at least in this country, know that, internationally, the whole of March is celebrated as Women’s History Month. 

Along with other local women’s organisations, including the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, the Women’s Centre and the Women’s History Group, we are trying to raise the profile of this heritage month and encourage our city to do more to celebrate women’s history.

WHG Talk at the Library Tuesday 7th March.

We are grateful for the ongoing and unstinting support of the B&H Women’s History Group. On 7th March at 5.30-6.30pm members of the B&H Women’s History Group will be leading a talk at the Jubilee Library on the theme  “Unsung Heroines of Brighton and Hove”,  where they will present short cameos of some of the women the group have been researching, and will invite the audience to talk about women from their past. We think it will be a wonderful evening. 

You may remember that the magazine Sussex Life previously featured an article about Mary Clarke to celebrate Women’s History Month. We are delighted that this year Sussex Life is highlighting the work of the WHG. 

International Women’s Day Stall on Saturday 11th March.

IWD is on 8th March. However, the day is being celebrated at 10.00 – 4.00 on Saturday 11th March with stalls and events. The Dome usually hosts these events, but due to works, on this occasion does not have the space. We will have a stall at the Unitarian Church in New Road. Do please come to see us.   

Mary Clarke Statue Appeal