Jenny Engledow is well known in Brighton as a human rights and peace campaigner. What is less well known is that she is an excellent seamstress and embroiderer and has made beautiful banners for a range of causes. Many local people will have seen the beautiful banner Jenny made to celebrate the 2018 Centenary of women’s partial achievement of the Vote. It was based on a contemporary design prepared for the Brighton Branch of the WSPU. Now she has agreed to make a banner for Mary Clarke. The design is her own, based upon contemporary photographs, but the style echoes the beautiful ‘pennant’ banners carried in procession by the suffragettes. They were designed to represent various women’s crafts and professions, but there were also individual banners to honour individual women of note. A huge amount of work has gone into the banner and despite COVID-related problems in supply of embroidery materials, Jenny is forging ahead. We thought you might like to see her at work. We are so grateful to her for this wonderful gift of her time and creativity. Once completed, the banner will be placed on public display and also taken out on procession. Our hope is that eventually, on key dates such as International Women’s Day or Human Rights Day (which is just before Mary’s birthday) the people of the city will be able to process to the statue with this and other banners.