Good Luck to All General Election Candidates

Today is 4th July 2024, the date of the General Election. We wish all candidates the very best of luck , especially remembering our Patrons, former M.P.s Peter Kyle for Labour and Maria Caulfield for the Conservatives, both of whom are candidates for election today.  Our Green Patron, Caroline Lucas has recently stood down from her service as a member of Parliament. We thank her…

Simon Fanshawe joins as Patron

Great news. Broadcaster, writer and activist Simon Fanshawe has agreed to join the Mary Clarke Statue Appeal’s group of Patrons. He has already proved himself worth his weight in gold by putting us in touch with Comedian Zoe Lyons and some other famous folk. There’s even a possibility Zoe Lyons may MC  our benefit concert on the 4th March at St George’s Church. But more…

Mary Clarke Statue Appeal