Peter Barratt from Leicester is a great grandson of suffragette Alice Hawkins and has been an inspiration to our Appeal. From 2012 he co-led a fund raising campaign for a statue of Alice and after several years of hard work and effort this proved successful. On February 4th 2018 a statue of Alice was unveiled in the Leicester market place and has been credited with commencing centenary year celebrations in the UK.
Each year from 2017 Peter has taken a successful spoken word show about Alice to the Edinburgh Fringe. Last year, he planned to visit the Brighton Fringe but was foiled by COVID. This year he has booked two dates during the Fringe (29th May and 20th June) and has once again kindly offered to promote the Mary Clarke Statue Appeal and donate a proportion of the takings, which is amazingly generous of him.
Please see the links below for details of the event and also more information about Alice, who led a fascinating life and whom we believe was imprisoned at least once at the same time as Mary Clarke. Please support this event.