Thanks to the Marvellous Kilburn Family Volunteers

Our grateful thanks to Vicky and Chris Kilburn who have just raised a fabulous £1190 for the Appeal. They

Young Ambassadors Sophia and Izzie Kilburn

celebrate their fiftieth birthdays this year and generously asked friends to donate to the Appeal instead of giving them birthday presents.

We rely completely upon our wonderful volunteers, the youngest of whom is eight and the oldest over eighty. They all do what they can to support the charity and honour Mary’s life.

None are more reliable than the Kilburn family. Twins Izzie and Sophia Kilburn are seasoned campaigners and Youth Ambassadors for the Appeal. Actively supported by their parents, the twins have fundraised many, many hundreds of pounds for the statue. Twice, instead of receiving birthday presents, they have invited friends and family to donate to the Mary Clarke Statue Appeal. 

Now the twins’ mother and father, Vicky and Chris, have done the same. We are so grateful to them and also the many friends and family members who donated and left encouraging messages thanking Chris and Vicky and  strongly supporting the campaign. 

Thank you again to the Kilburn family.

Mary Clarke Statue Appeal